Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Don't Forget the Fun Part Two

As we approach the summer, it is important for you to make sure and plan an end of the semester gathering. If your group is taking time off for the summer, please remember to plan a couple of gatherings during the summer months. These gatherings are essential for the long term growth of the group.

Here a few more thoughts from Dave Early on the importance of group parties. "Many people have a relational void or hole in their hearts. One reason people come to small groups is to fill that social void in their lives. Don't fight it! Use it to build your group. Every few weeks, plan a social gathering as part of your group's meeting schedule, or on a different night of the week. Such gatherings will increase the "fun quotient" of your group. Parties will add to group excitement, ownership, interest, and involvement. Parties are also very effective evangelistic tools, as non-believers see firsthand that Christians can actually have fun.

Social gatherings provide group members with a new outlet to share even more of their lives together. During a well-planned social gathering, people often discuss things that never seem to come up in a group meeting where everyone in the room is listening to the to the person talk. They get to see each other as "real people."