Monday, November 8, 2010

The TLR Celebration

What an amazing finish to our TLR Community Group Series! Hundreds of Community Group members came to COF for a time of celebration and encouragement this past Sunday night. This fall many of our members had the opportunity to get connected in community and learn valuable tips on how to manage their finances in a way that honors God.
Check out this video to hear what they had to say.

As we head into the Holiday Season our groups will be taking time off and we will re-open registration in mid January. The new group series will start in mid February and we will be studying a variety of topics. You will not want to miss out on your opportunity to get connected and grow at Community of Faith.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Reminders for hosts...
1.Pray for your group, other group hosts and the staff as we prepare for this fall.

2.If you have not received your Sprout login information from me, please let me know ASAP.

3.You do not have to use the Sprout email function. I would suggest that you set up your own email group in your account.

4.You will start receiving registrant emails this week. Be sure to follow up with your group members and invite them to the Community Group Kick Off on September the 19th at 6:00PM.

5.Make sure that you reserve a place for your group at a local restaurant for the 19th. We will release your group to go spend time together and watch the kids at the church until 10:00PM.

6.Please do not depend on the sign’s alone to fill your group. Start inviting your friends now. Just be sure to enter them into Sprout if they are coming.

7.If you are a current host, don’t forget to clean up your database.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Get Ready For A Great Fall

We hope that all of you are having an awesome summer! We are starting preparation for the fall and we are super excited about what God has in store for the people of Community of Faith.
God has placed an incredible vision in Mark’s heart for our groups this fall and we need your help!! We are planning to do a small group series that will bring about tremendous life change to those who are involved. We are asking that all of our groups no matter the type do this with us. It will bring an amazing synergy to the church as a whole. Once the series is over your group may go back to its normal schedule if you choose.

If you are a current group host please take a moment and fill out this brief survey for the fall.

If you are interested in hosting a group in your community please fill out this survey for the fall.

We have listed out the schedule below; send all questions to

August 8th – Groups Host Rally at church 6:00PM
September 19th – Community Group Kick off Rally at Church 6:00PM
Week of September 26th – First session in homes
Week of October 3rd – Second week in homes
Week of October 10th – Third week in homes
Week of October 17th – Fourth week in homes
Week of October 24th – Fifth week in homes
Week of October 31st – Sixth week in homes
November 7th – Group conclusion rally 6:00PM at the church

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Don't miss the paintball and crawfish night

To all of the men in our Community Groups,

You will not want to miss this opportunity to have a blast with the guys in your group. On Friday night, May 14th from 6:00-9:00PM, we’ll be peeling and shooting at COF. Invite your friends and come join us for the fun. The cost for the crawfish is $10 per person. The cost for paintball is $30 per person.

If you are planning on playing paintball we need for you to go to the events registration page of our website and sign up as soon as possible. The deadline for signing up for the paintball portion of the event is May 9th. You can pay for the crawfish at the door. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Go to to sign up.

Don't Forget the Fun Part Two

As we approach the summer, it is important for you to make sure and plan an end of the semester gathering. If your group is taking time off for the summer, please remember to plan a couple of gatherings during the summer months. These gatherings are essential for the long term growth of the group.

Here a few more thoughts from Dave Early on the importance of group parties. "Many people have a relational void or hole in their hearts. One reason people come to small groups is to fill that social void in their lives. Don't fight it! Use it to build your group. Every few weeks, plan a social gathering as part of your group's meeting schedule, or on a different night of the week. Such gatherings will increase the "fun quotient" of your group. Parties will add to group excitement, ownership, interest, and involvement. Parties are also very effective evangelistic tools, as non-believers see firsthand that Christians can actually have fun.

Social gatherings provide group members with a new outlet to share even more of their lives together. During a well-planned social gathering, people often discuss things that never seem to come up in a group meeting where everyone in the room is listening to the to the person talk. They get to see each other as "real people."

Friday, March 5, 2010

Don't Forget the FUN Part One

Our spring group semester is underway and I would like to encourage everyone to be sure and plan some fun activities to do together as a group. These get togethers are essential to the group's health and success over the long haul.

In his article "Never Underestimate the Importance of a Good Party" Dave Earley says,
"In the Bible, God went out of his way to tell his people that he wanted them to have parties on earth. These parties certainly weren't drunken orgies. They were fun gatherings consisting of good food, good friends, and good times (Deut. 14:22–26). God loves parties so much that he commanded his children to take time off work and faithfully enjoy godly parties together. He even ordained that the entire Jewish religious calendar be based on ten national parties, or 'feasts.'
Never underestimate the importance of a good party.
Jesus did his first miracle at a wedding party (John 2:1–10). He was anointed for his burial at a dinner party (Luke 7:36–50). The Bible says that when a sinner repents, heaven throws a party (Luke 15: 5–7, 9–10, 22–24). The Pharisees even criticized Jesus because they thought he was too interested in parties (Luke 7:34). When Jesus spoke of the kingdom of heaven, he called it a banquet party (Luke 14:15–24)."

The group leader needs to be intentional with the calendar. Everyone is busy, so make sure that you plan these events as a group and get everyone involved. This will encourage ownership and create more opportunities for connection.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Kiddo Challenge

As the new semester of groups gets underway, one of the challenges that groups face is what to do with the kids. Here are a few things to think about before your first meeting:
1) Be sure to set expectations for childcare at the first meeting.
2) Agree upon what the cost is per couple.
3) Decide whether the kids will stay in a room in the house or at a group members house near by.
4) Will group members take turns watching the kids instead of hiring a babysitter?
5) Who is responsible for hiring and communicating with the babysitter?
6) What type of entertainment will be provided for the kids and who is responsible for bringing it?

These are just a few things to think about. Some group leaders will try to figure all of this out for the group. I would suggest spreading these responsibilities around during the first meeting. This will create buy in and keep you from getting burned out. Have a great semester.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Community Group Registration is Open

We are excited to announce that Community Group Registration opened up this weekend. We have already had hundreds of people get plugged in. If you would like to sign up for a group, please go to the Community Group page at The groups will begin the week of February 8th!!!