We're wrapping up another great semester of groups at Community of Faith. Close to seventy groups met this spring and members formed new relationships and experienced spiritual growth. There were group topics for all types of people, in all walks of life. We are looking forward to the future with great anticipation as we develop more opportunities for people to connect to God, connect with each other and grow at COF.
This spring, as "Thursdays at COF" continued we saw hundreds of men and women gather together for these connection opportunities.
As summer rapidly approaches, our groups begin to wind down and take a break. If you are looking for a way to connect this summer, some of our men are putting together some fun events such as a fishing trip, some golf outings and a few motorcycle rides. If you would like more info about how to get involved please contact the following people:
Joey Almendarez- for fishing- jalmendarez@farmersagent.com
Bob Henry- for motorcycle rides- rhenry429@comcast.net
Lance Price- for golf- lancep@communityoffaith.tv
Have a Great summer!
The Community Group Staff