Friday, March 5, 2010

Don't Forget the FUN Part One

Our spring group semester is underway and I would like to encourage everyone to be sure and plan some fun activities to do together as a group. These get togethers are essential to the group's health and success over the long haul.

In his article "Never Underestimate the Importance of a Good Party" Dave Earley says,
"In the Bible, God went out of his way to tell his people that he wanted them to have parties on earth. These parties certainly weren't drunken orgies. They were fun gatherings consisting of good food, good friends, and good times (Deut. 14:22–26). God loves parties so much that he commanded his children to take time off work and faithfully enjoy godly parties together. He even ordained that the entire Jewish religious calendar be based on ten national parties, or 'feasts.'
Never underestimate the importance of a good party.
Jesus did his first miracle at a wedding party (John 2:1–10). He was anointed for his burial at a dinner party (Luke 7:36–50). The Bible says that when a sinner repents, heaven throws a party (Luke 15: 5–7, 9–10, 22–24). The Pharisees even criticized Jesus because they thought he was too interested in parties (Luke 7:34). When Jesus spoke of the kingdom of heaven, he called it a banquet party (Luke 14:15–24)."

The group leader needs to be intentional with the calendar. Everyone is busy, so make sure that you plan these events as a group and get everyone involved. This will encourage ownership and create more opportunities for connection.